An apology to those who came out Monday night to view The Moving Wall


moving wall on display

Veterans turned out en mass to view the Vietnam Memorial “The Moving Wall” in Conyers GA

The editors of TheWalkOfHeroes.Org would like to issue a formal apology to all those who came out on May 11th and May 12th to see The Moving Wall. A scheduling conflict with the staff of The Moving Wall caused them to break down the wall and move it to Fort Jackson Monday afternoon. Even this editor showed up late Monday afternoon and found it, and the “Through The Eyes Combat Photography” display packed up and gone. I experienced the same disappointment that so many of you experienced.

Please understand while we understand your frustration, you support of the Walk of Heroes will allow us to continue building a memorial that will honor veterans of all wars, and give us control over things like this so you will not be disappointed in the future.